Making a change

We’ve decided to quit smoking. Well, not actually smoking since we’ve never been smokers. But, it’s kind of like smoking. It’s bad for you in general and it’s a daily waste of money. We’re going to get rid of cable. I hear your gasps, guffaws, and even your eyes rolling; all in disbelief. That’s okay, I’m not sure that I’ll fully believe it myself until the three DVRs are actually in the hands of Time Warner.

There are two primary goals, 1) save $130/month, and 2) spend less time in front of the TV wasting heartbeats that I’ll never get back. The rough plan is to cancel the TV portion of cable, but keep the internet access. We’ll add antenna(s) for OTA stations, a Netflix subscription for DVDs and streaming, and some sort of other hardware TBD for other internet content like Hulu.

I’ll be sharing the pain and the joy as the adventure continues.

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